
Tiger Woods to potentially play new golf event with ‘special rules’ to help him

End of an Era as Tiger Woods, Nike Part Ways

It’s officially the end of an era, as Tiger Woods is just about a year and a half away from eligibility for the PGA Tour Champions Circuit, reserved for pros of 50 of age or older.

With that being said, the legendary golfer is still waiting on confirmation for one key accommodation to be made; a provision that he can ride in a golf cart for tournaments.

Woods’s personal friend and tour veteran Steve Stricker emphasized the importance of making the tour a viable option for Woods. “Let’s make sure he can play,” the 17-time Tour Champions winner urged, while addressing the common concerns about fairness, stating that “you hate to make special rules but if we can get him out here with a cart, let’s do it, you know what I mean.”

The first event for which this would likely be relevant is the 2026 US Senior Open, at Ohio’s Scioto Country Club. Woods naturally still has a great swing, but in recent events, it’s been clear that fatigue takes its toll over the course of four-day tournaments; his results really fall off as the weekend goes on.

Woods had what is considered to be the most dominant prime in the history of golf, but injuries have caused his game to deteriorate in a big way. He’s not going to get a cart on the PGA Tour or in any of the major championships, but in the senior tour, it’s a much more realistic possibility, as Woods playing his best-possible golf would be a real draw for the circuit.

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